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Turtles make great pets. They can be kept in a tank that is half water and half dry soil, rocks, or sand. Some turtles can breathe under water and some need to come to the surface to take in air. Turtles need some sunlight for their shells to harden. They shed their shell as they grow. Female turtles are generally larger than male turtles but males have longer tails.
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Step 1.
Draw a grid with four equal squares going across and three down.
Draw an angled oval shape for the head on the left side of the grid. Check that it is in the correct position before going on to step 2.
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Step 2.
Draw in a big arc for the top of the shell. Draw a dipped double line for the shell edge. Draw a line for the under shell. |
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Step 3.
Draw a smile on the lower part of the head circle and an eye above the smile.
Divide the shell into squares stretched across the shell top. Draw in the flippers and lines for the top of the under shell.
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Step 4.
Draw the eye and some lines around it. Add the neck.
Draw in the flipper on the far side. Add a few shapes for the patterns on the flippers, neck, and shell top.
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Step 5.
Outline your turtle with your marker and erase the pencil lines. Color your drawing with greens and yellows.